Monday, December 16, 2013

My Favorite Character Died

In the book, "A Clash of Kings," by George R.R. Martin, the sequel to "A Game of Thrones," no one is safe. Seriously, I advise not to have a favorite character because there are no characters that are immune to death. However, it is incredibly difficult not to relate to and favorite a character because all of them are either extremely relatable, lovable, or extremely interesting. "A Clash of Kings," is an enthralling continuation of the Song of Ice and Fire series and I'd incredibly gripping. You will be turning the pages for hours wanting to know what will happen to each of the characters. I highly recommend this book. Beware of having your heart crushed though.  

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Top Ten Rules of Being Human (In No Particular Order)

1. If you want to do something that will cause you to get in trouble, do it, however don't draw attention to yourself.

2. It's better to drive someone else crazy than to drive yourself crazy

3. During your high school and college career, don't get caught and don't make any babies and you'll be alright.

4. People make mistakes, so when you make a mistake, don't dwell on it. Accept it, and do better the next time, then even better the time after that.

5. Always show up to work 15 minutes early.

6. During your high school and college career, you'll be exposed to certain things and experiences. That being said, don't do two illegal things at once.

7. Don't lie to your parents. Be honest with your parents, even when you don't want to. You will most likely get in trouble in some cases, but they will respect you and trust you if you're honest with them.

8. Work first, play later. Now is the time during your life when you need to buckle down and get things done. You'll have time to play hard after your work hard.

9. Help as many people as you possibly can.

10. Don't waste time thinking that you're "defeated," being sad isn't going to solve anything.

Saturday, October 19, 2013


Game of Thrones' Ending was... Woah

The ending of Game of Thrones was probably the most satisfying ending and adequately set the story up to continue in the next book. Through out the whole book I found myself wishing a certain something would just happen already and the last three pages of the book served to be the biggest pay off. Without spoiling anything, it was simply amazing. If you, the one reading this, have not had an interest in the fantasy genre, Game of Thrones will reel you in. Girls especially will find this new story quite enjoyable because of the strong lead female roles and their importance to the story. Highly recommend this book!

Friday, October 18, 2013

You Have to Read this Book

You Have to Read this Book

You have to read this book! Game of Thrones is incredible. For example, this book offers situations in which the current character may or may not get out alive. And both possibilities are plausible because Game of Thrones does not hold back any punches or take the easy way out. Sometimes the very last sentences of a chapter can make one think, "well, s***." Game of Thrones is such a unique book because I often find myself thinking, "no that can't happen, stuff like that doesn't happen in stories like that, nope, no way- yup that totally happen, I can't believe that just happened." Game of Thrones grabs ahold of the reader and doesn't easily let go.

So Far, So Good.

So Far, So Good.

I have to say that I absolutely love Game of Thrones and highly reccommend it to anyone. That being said, some things may prove to be a bit confusing for people who jump right into the books. In my opinion, watching the first two episodes of the TV show will help in understanding who characters are and their relation to other characters. Game of Thrones introduces great characters that are easy to like. For example, the character, Bronn, a simple sellsword who stumbled into a noble quarrel, offers humor, action, and a sense of, "is this really going to happen?"So far, characters like Tyrion, a cunning and super clever dwarf, and Bronn, the comic relief who doesn't seem able to be beaten in a fight, are original and thouroughly developed characters within the story.

First Impressions of Game of Thrones

First Impressions of Game of Thrones.

George R.R. Martin's "Game of Thrones" is a must read for those looking for a book that has lovable and relatable characters, a thrilling story, and vivid story telling. GoT is the kind of book that makes you want to keep reading because you have to know what happens next. I really knew that GoT was my favorite book so far when I read for what seemed like 20 minutes but was actually an hour. This is the kind of book that engrosses you completely because you get attached to the characters and actually care about what happens to them. Although it is a good thing that the reader becomes attached to the characters, it'll only make the reader sad because, well, some characters' adventures are cut short. All in all, Game of Thrones is a thrill ride that has a little bit of everything to offer.